Another New Year Post as it's just the second of Jan 2015, God! gotta get used to saying 2015 now...
So, one of the main things the beginning of a new year brings is a fresh start. Fresh start on: School, Career planning, Relationships, Economically and mostly Mentally.
I can't really help in all the categories but I can make an attempt to help you figure some stuff out.
School / College / University
Well, this isn't academically a new year but it is a new semester. In my case, I start with my exams tomorrow onwards till 7th. Hectic life :(
But from the beginning of FYJC I've been a sincere student with good attendance, almost complete notes, good grades and Mother is satisfied. Go ahead, call me a Nerd or an Idiot, but before you do that I have got to tell you that I have been out with all my friends very often, bunked uncountable lectures, seen almost all the movies in the multiplex and also have shopped A LOT!!!
So how'd I manage?
Honestly, my college timings are amazing : 10:30-14:30 and I don't even sit that long! So before going I have the time to arrange my room and dress up well and after coming back I have the time to go out or study or anything at all. But apart from that what my real plan for 2015 is:
1. Complete The Book : I have this big notebook which I've maintained pretty well in which I write personalised notes of each chapter of every subject and also solve the Question Bank there. I won't suggest everyone to have this sorta book but I do suggest making notes of ever chapter, it'll help later for finals or boards (trust me)
2. Never Lose Study Material : no matter what your school or college gives you ( Question Banks, Question Papers, Worksheets, Homework sheets..etc) collect and store them in a folder subject-wise.
3. Study on a regular basis: I know, no one can possibly do that! But do make a commitment of at least studying one subject for at least 15 minutes a day. Why? Because then you don't lose the habit of studying. This is to avoid the boredom or laziness of studying when exams arrive and you've been roaming around the past two months!
4. Make an Exam Time-Table: I always do this the minute I get the portion and college exam time-table. I go home and write down the dates of the days until the first exam and allot chapters for each day. I usually end up skipping some days but I do leave loophole-fixing days to prevent exam load later
5. Cleanliness: I didn't do this before the past 6 months but I guess my Mother's prayers have finally been answered. Today I sat on my dining table to study: files, papers books, phone, pens, cello-tape...possibly more stuff were all scattered and apparently I couldn't concentrate. I took 3 minutes to pile everything up and throw unwanted stuff in the bin...I studied a good 2 hours after that. With peace.
6. Arrange: Keep all your study material in one place...all notebooks-textbooks and stuff piled up according to preference and in a neat manner so that you won't waste time looking for stuff.
Career Planning
If you've not yet decided on what to do and you're as old as I am ( in the first year of junior college ) its probably the new year is the best opportunity to start thinking over it.
1. Make a list of things that interest you: It may be anything widespread over the three main courses: Commerce, Science and Humanities (arts)
2. Shortlist: Shortlist according to what sort of job you'll get, where you live, how good you are at it, if its okay with your family...etc
3. Narrow down to three: I did this long back, probably 8 months ago. But my options were: Luxury Brand Management, Fashion Retail Management and Fashion Communications. I narrowed it down because all these three were the most exciting ones according to me.
4. Choose one: You can always do this after SYJC, but I would suggest you do it now given that many entrance exams need a lot of coaching and practise and you will be well-prepared then!
5. External Help: I wouldn't suggest talking to your parents about this. Why? Well, they'll think for your very own best of course! But they'll also consider the society's look on what you're doing, and the payroll and the dignity...which is irrelevant. Take the advice of an elder sibling or cousin ( like I took the help of my elder sister) or just go to a career guidance centre and talk to professionals.
6. You make the choice: It's your life, take suggestions or help from everyone else but the final choice should be yours. Work towards it.
7. Find Institutes near you that provide a degree / diploma of what you need. I personally do not suggest stand-alone-diplomas but if you do not have degrees available in your course, go ahead.
8. Persuade: persuade your parents into acceptance if they don't like your choice, they love you, they will listen to you eventually. Educate them entirely about what your course is to remove any misunderstanding and also because they need to know what they're paying for.
I regret all the money I spent on clothes in 2014, I do. So I decided to not spend every now and then and have savings and regular intervals of spending.
I don't get a monthly pocket allowance so I don't really know how to function on a fixed budget. My mom just gives me a sensible amount of money for wherever I go and I like it that way. I save from that too...right now I'm at 4k from the past month and a half and I'm proud given that I never ever could save before.
Would you rather own a cool jacket or 3 basic tops? Ask yourself every time you spend. I have many basics so I would rather buy a jacket but If you have no basics ( basics are QUINTESSENTIAL) go for the basics, ANYDAY!

I always over-think and let petty issues get into my head.
This year I decided to think in better directions ^ like my career or clothes :P
Every issue will calm down over time and become more easier to sort out. Give everything time. Give yourself time: to think over, see if it's worth it and decide what to do next.
This isn't some focused advice, it applies to everything from that fight over clothes with your sister to the massive break-up you just went thru. I'm not some guru here but giving time and having patience is what I learnt in 2014.

(x) Another thing, try maintaining a time schedule journal like I have started this plan out what you do along the day and to help you do more stuff in the mere 16-14 hours you're awake.
Hope this wasn't too long, again! I'll just bold the important stuff :P
Plan your year to make it better than the previous one in every way!
So, one of the main things the beginning of a new year brings is a fresh start. Fresh start on: School, Career planning, Relationships, Economically and mostly Mentally.
I can't really help in all the categories but I can make an attempt to help you figure some stuff out.
School / College / University
Well, this isn't academically a new year but it is a new semester. In my case, I start with my exams tomorrow onwards till 7th. Hectic life :(
But from the beginning of FYJC I've been a sincere student with good attendance, almost complete notes, good grades and Mother is satisfied. Go ahead, call me a Nerd or an Idiot, but before you do that I have got to tell you that I have been out with all my friends very often, bunked uncountable lectures, seen almost all the movies in the multiplex and also have shopped A LOT!!!
So how'd I manage?
Honestly, my college timings are amazing : 10:30-14:30 and I don't even sit that long! So before going I have the time to arrange my room and dress up well and after coming back I have the time to go out or study or anything at all. But apart from that what my real plan for 2015 is:
1. Complete The Book : I have this big notebook which I've maintained pretty well in which I write personalised notes of each chapter of every subject and also solve the Question Bank there. I won't suggest everyone to have this sorta book but I do suggest making notes of ever chapter, it'll help later for finals or boards (trust me)
2. Never Lose Study Material : no matter what your school or college gives you ( Question Banks, Question Papers, Worksheets, Homework sheets..etc) collect and store them in a folder subject-wise.
3. Study on a regular basis: I know, no one can possibly do that! But do make a commitment of at least studying one subject for at least 15 minutes a day. Why? Because then you don't lose the habit of studying. This is to avoid the boredom or laziness of studying when exams arrive and you've been roaming around the past two months!
4. Make an Exam Time-Table: I always do this the minute I get the portion and college exam time-table. I go home and write down the dates of the days until the first exam and allot chapters for each day. I usually end up skipping some days but I do leave loophole-fixing days to prevent exam load later

6. Arrange: Keep all your study material in one place...all notebooks-textbooks and stuff piled up according to preference and in a neat manner so that you won't waste time looking for stuff.
Career Planning
If you've not yet decided on what to do and you're as old as I am ( in the first year of junior college ) its probably the new year is the best opportunity to start thinking over it.
1. Make a list of things that interest you: It may be anything widespread over the three main courses: Commerce, Science and Humanities (arts)
2. Shortlist: Shortlist according to what sort of job you'll get, where you live, how good you are at it, if its okay with your family...etc
3. Narrow down to three: I did this long back, probably 8 months ago. But my options were: Luxury Brand Management, Fashion Retail Management and Fashion Communications. I narrowed it down because all these three were the most exciting ones according to me.
4. Choose one: You can always do this after SYJC, but I would suggest you do it now given that many entrance exams need a lot of coaching and practise and you will be well-prepared then!
5. External Help: I wouldn't suggest talking to your parents about this. Why? Well, they'll think for your very own best of course! But they'll also consider the society's look on what you're doing, and the payroll and the dignity...which is irrelevant. Take the advice of an elder sibling or cousin ( like I took the help of my elder sister) or just go to a career guidance centre and talk to professionals.
6. You make the choice: It's your life, take suggestions or help from everyone else but the final choice should be yours. Work towards it.
7. Find Institutes near you that provide a degree / diploma of what you need. I personally do not suggest stand-alone-diplomas but if you do not have degrees available in your course, go ahead.
8. Persuade: persuade your parents into acceptance if they don't like your choice, they love you, they will listen to you eventually. Educate them entirely about what your course is to remove any misunderstanding and also because they need to know what they're paying for.
(this is actually my money box! secured by my loyal yards and the catapults :P)
I regret all the money I spent on clothes in 2014, I do. So I decided to not spend every now and then and have savings and regular intervals of spending.
I don't get a monthly pocket allowance so I don't really know how to function on a fixed budget. My mom just gives me a sensible amount of money for wherever I go and I like it that way. I save from that too...right now I'm at 4k from the past month and a half and I'm proud given that I never ever could save before.
Would you rather own a cool jacket or 3 basic tops? Ask yourself every time you spend. I have many basics so I would rather buy a jacket but If you have no basics ( basics are QUINTESSENTIAL) go for the basics, ANYDAY!

I always over-think and let petty issues get into my head.
This year I decided to think in better directions ^ like my career or clothes :P
Every issue will calm down over time and become more easier to sort out. Give everything time. Give yourself time: to think over, see if it's worth it and decide what to do next.
This isn't some focused advice, it applies to everything from that fight over clothes with your sister to the massive break-up you just went thru. I'm not some guru here but giving time and having patience is what I learnt in 2014.

(x) Another thing, try maintaining a time schedule journal like I have started this plan out what you do along the day and to help you do more stuff in the mere 16-14 hours you're awake.
Hope this wasn't too long, again! I'll just bold the important stuff :P
Plan your year to make it better than the previous one in every way!
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