This is a very easy DIY and there is no particular way to do it, you can customise it the way you like it. But here's some basic stuff:
Materials Needed:

Some acrylic paint
Sponge brushes (I got 5 brushes for 60inr from Anupam)
Some flat brushes
A paint palette
A cover, clear or opaque either are fine
Optional glitter or gel glitter (probably silver)
Step1 : Paint the entire cover black.
Use paints: dark blue, black, pink+blue, pink, dark green to make a base, keep it as dark as possible because it's not going to be visible much.
Use a tooth brush to give a spray paint effect and splatter paints over the base. Do other colours first then go onto white to make the stars look like stars.

keep it to dry for 4 hours before you use it or doodle on it
Tadaaaa...we're done.
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