Sunday, July 26, 2015

DIY Galaxy Phone case

This is a very easy DIY and there is no particular way to do it, you can customise it the way you like it. But here's some basic stuff:

Materials Needed:

Some acrylic paint
Sponge brushes (I got 5 brushes for 60inr from Anupam)
Some flat brushes
A paint palette
A cover, clear or opaque either are fine
Optional glitter or gel glitter (probably silver)

Step1 : Paint the entire cover black.

Use paints: dark blue, black, pink+blue, pink, dark green to make a base, keep it as dark as possible because it's not going to be visible much.

Use a tooth brush to give a spray paint effect and splatter paints over the base. Do other colours first then go onto white to make the stars look like stars.

keep it to dry for 4 hours before you use it or doodle on it

 Use glitter if you like after it's dried up and apply it with care to make sure you don't overdo the glitter.

Tadaaaa...we're done. 

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