Friday, May 08, 2015

Too hot for jeans| Gossip

It's 33 degrees right now in Mumbai and it's getting unbearably hot and the thought of stepping out of the house just makes me have a sunstroke.
Anyway, I am not one to sit at home so I am going out to buy a mini-fridge with my dad for the living room...yay! and when I opened my closet to figure out what I want to wear...the thought of me in ankle length jeans just wasn't right, shorts, yes, possible, but idk I just wasn't in the mood for it. 
So I went on to wear this Floral cutie from Forever21 for 800-900 inr I think...
I paired it up with delicate but elegant jewellery. A bracelet from a 5 pack (F21) and a necklace from London. 
I paired it with my New Look Brown Ballets that I got from Dubai but completely forgot about.

Next thing I want to share would be some gossip, I was drooling over and thought I'll just share my views on a couple of thing on the blog...

I think that given the entire Kardashian clan, Kylie is bound to do something to change herself, she rocks the look! But if I were 17 I wouldn't do something so drastic. 

2. Prom date stood up
This girl owned prom even after her date stood her up I mean that's just amazing! Plus she looks gorgeous in the aqua blue dress and see how all the girl wore use purple to light blue?

3. From a Jonas to ex-1D (boy band)
Ex boy band member Kevin Jonas from Jonas Brothers had some really wise things to say to ex 1D boy band member Zayn.

4.Ed Sheeran's new songs
You HAVE to see this list. I'm SO EXCITED.

5. Means Girl's mommy style
It's a sequel but more mature with the BEST person in the cast...can't wait!

6. Riri's style inspo
This is actually very funny
7. Superwoman's not sorry
I love it so much, being someone who doesn't wear 3 or 5 or 7 layers of makeup ( just my CC cream) I think it's a good video for all of us out here to be proud of ourselves no matter what.

8. Funny taylor swift story with the Olsen sister
Elizabeth Olsen and her funny story with Tay is so fangirly.

9. Met Gala rockin'
I hate how Kim K, JLo and Beyonce completely dissed the dress code and went sheer, they look gorgeous but come on! All of them went sheer. Even Madonna and Katy Perry were pretty stupid to wear Graffiti prints, snapchat told me it's illegal in China. I that the best were Riri, Kate Hudson and even Anne Hathaway.


See you Sunday :D

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