Thursday, June 11, 2015

DIY Coffee Mug

When I was younger I painted this mug for my mom with acrylic colours that said "World's Greatest Mom" and the amazing thing was even thought it faded with time and looked ugly my maa still uses it...But I needed a white mug and the faded mug was ugly so I took it from her and made it mine. Here's how:
Materials needed.
a. A light coloured mug.
b. White or duct tape.
c. Acetone and Cotton
d. White Board Marker or Pencil.
e. Paint and a brush

1. I took lots of cotton, dipped it in Acetone and rubbed away all the acrylic colour.
2. I washed the mug to remove any residue.
3. I used white tape to make guidelines.

 4. I used a Marker to write and design and decided to paint on it later but the marker ink was causing trouble while painting so I used a pencil to do my design.

 5. I used paint and a flat brush and a thin brush to get my desired design, I used the acetone to wipe away any mistakes.

 6. I let it dry for 24 hours

 This is how it looks:

Now the most important question: Can you actually use it and wash it with dishwashing soap without it fading anytime sooner?


That brings us to the last step:
Apply a coat of transparent nail paint on your design and let it dry
this secures the paint for a long time, you can do touch ups too, if you think it doesn't look pretty then you may want to use oil based colours and later bake your mug like all DIY coffee mug videos suggest you to. This is my easy way.

Hope this was not stupid :P

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