Basically, this post has 3 objectives:
1) Describing the current weather of where I am
2) Telling the difference between: Sweater, Cardigan, Pull-over and Jacket ( it's a very very common misconception)
3) What not to buy this "winter" and what to do if you already bought it...
Mumbai takes a break from sweating people out:
~It is so dramatic when we call these pleasant weather days as: winter. Given the horrid summers we bear without the luxury to wear short or less clothes ( orthodoxy ) the few days of not-hot weather bring immense joy!
Living in Mumbai : the humidity, perspiring, pollution, traffic, no air and ( just typing this got me feeling breathless) well busy-running lives, really gets into our heads and makes us slightly mentally unstable. Just kidding. But it really is a lot! So, when the supposed winter time arrives we all get pretty excited! From the end of November to mid-January we experience what the world calls winter but I call bliss.
It's not really shattering-cold, it's just cool breezy times when you don't need the fan let alone the air conditioning. This season is fun! It's not hot, we got christmas break which extends until after New year's and also: great sales~
Sweater, Cardigan, Pull-over & Jacket
(How stupid I look on Sunday mornings in good clothes: things I do for my blog....)
~ Here's a table to make it easier
Or zippers
Not visible
Collared shirt
Summer Wear
(Blue faux fur sweater, Grey cardigan, Maroon cardigan worn as a pull-over & Grey jacket )
The sweater is usually something with full coverage so you may or may not wear anything under, it doesn't have buttons so you wear it from above the head.
The cardigan is the button-down version of a sweater which you wear thru the sleeves and you may pair it up with anything from tan-tops to dresses. It's the best summer / winter wardrobe transitionary essential!
Pull-overs are another type of sweater with a bigger neck-hole allowing you the option of wearing something inside and making it noticeable, usually paired up with collar shirts.
Jackets are another handy piece of apparel usually used to make a regular outfit look extra-ordinary. They vary in length, styles, material and purpose. Most common are leather jackets paired up with cotton tanks~
Think before you buy
~Well, as I mentioned the weather messing with our head, it applies here. Exhausted from the heat when we get chilly we go crazier and go shop for every piece of winter-wear in stores! Full-sleeved tops to jackets to faux-fur scarfs to beanies and much more...the issue is: the "winter" lasts only a month or maximum two unlike actually cold regions where it snows and stuff. So the stuff you just bought would rot in the back of your wardrobe until the next winter ( which may or may not be as chilly as this one).
What not to buy:
- Thick sweaters
- Anything real or faux-fur
- thick scarves
- More than 2 pairs of leg-warmers or knee-high socks
- Knee-high boots with extra warmth
- Coats
- Body Warmers
- Layering jackets
- Too many full-sleeves or classic winter-wear tops
What to do if already bought:
Well I would suggest you make the most of them now! You will learn from your mistakes like I did. Wear them this season and probably give it to a friend or a sibling who lives in a colder region ( sharing is caring). If no one to give, take extra extra care of them so you can reuse them next season: always wash in delicate wash (never use the brush) and make sure to keep in inside in a non-humid ares, Wrap it in sheets of newspaper to protect it from dust and humid air.
- Beanies
- Light jackets
- Tights
- Ankle-length boots or Thin lined Knee-high boots
- Cotton scarves
- Cute cardigans
- Pull-overs or Sweatshirts
- Knit-socks
These items are time-less...easy to maintain and can be worn is summer short a good investment~
I hope you enjoy your winters while I'm here stuck studying for my stupid exams...
Loads of love
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