Sunday, April 05, 2015

almost a post

Well, yesterday, I had a blogger's block and so I "literally" googled what to blog about! I'm ashamed of myself, but, as a blogger or infact any activity you do: acting, singing, writing, dancing...there will come days when you have no idea what to do. So, basically I wanted to do a post on " things I do when I'm bored " (I will do it very soon..) I figured it would be fun to do and to read. But, unfortunately I have my Hindi Final exam today so I couldn't find the time to list the stuff I do and take photos and all...and in that process I ended up doing this: another OOTD post.
ooTD (the day) involved a lot of instagram+coffee+studying. 
So the outfit is for the days you want to stay home, look un-bikhari ( like I usually do) and just chill

Everything Forever 21
Shoes, Leggings, Top, Hair tie, Bracelet 
(bag by Clair's - you already know)

(yes, cat hair on my leggings)

No makeup....

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